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Stevie McMaster and Andrei Parent Week T

Some of our friendly coaches run private lessons. If you or your gymnast is looking for a little ‘extra’ training or might benefit from more personalised coaching, please contact the office.



We charge the following for individual private lessons:

30/45/60min      $30/40/50


Bring a friend along for the following pricing/person:

30/45/60              $20/25/30


There may be an increase in cost if paying through an institution, e.g. NDIS Provider



Private class times are dependent on coach availability, and working around the current timetable. We may have availability before, during or after school. Weekends may also be an option.


Adults, home-schooled or pre-school aged children – We do not run many classes during the school day, and so it is usually easy to coordinate a time during these hours.


Welcome to do a trial lesson for the cost of the class. 


© 2016 Andrei's Gynmastics.  

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