Term fees are based on the number of weeks in each NSW school term, and will be adjusted depending on which week each member begins.
Baby Gym 40 min class $12/lesson
Kinder Gym 45 min class $18/lesson
Mini mover 45 min class $20/lesson
Gym for All 60 min class $23/lesson
Rec PLUS Class 90 min class $30/lesson
Rec PLUS Class 120 min class $35/lesson
Adult Class 60 min class $180/10-wk term or $23 per casual lesson
Private Class 30/45/60 min $30/$40/$50
Private Class 30/45/60 min $20/$25/$30 per person (2 participants)
Private Class 30/45/60 min $15/$20/$25 per person (3-5 participants)
2020 Fees are based on a school term:
Term 1 – 11wks – Tuesday 28th January – Thursday 9th April. (Closed from 23rd March due to Coronavirus)
Term 2 – 3-4wks – Saturday 13th June – Saturday 4th July.
Term 3 – 10wks – Monday 20th July – Saturday 26th September
Term 4 – 10wks – Monday 12th October – Saturday 20th December
$57.00 2020 Registration fee will be adjusted to reflect which Term is started as follows;
Term 1 start - $57
Term 2 start - $57
Term 3 start - $47
Term 4 start - $37 / $27 if starting after week 5
Important Information
There is a $57 compulsory Gymnastics Registration Fee for each new gymnast per calendar year (this will be reduced per Term as outlined above)
Term fees are strictly due one week after a student's start date, or by arrangement of a payment plan
Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or direct deposit. (We are currently looking at EFTPOS facilities)
If a student starts after the inital 1st week of Term, the fees will be adjusted to suit remaining weeks
We do not run classes on public holidays. Your term fess will reflect this if your regular class falls on a holiday
If a student discontinues mid term, fees will still be paybale until you notify our office
Once enrolled for the term, fees are payable whether a student attends class or not
Please contact our office if you need to arrange a payment plan
Term Fees 2020