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KINDERGYM (2-5yrs)


"K i n d e r    G y m" is our movement program for children aged 2-5yrs.


One of the great things about our Kinder Gym program is that parents or carers, can share in their child's wonderful learning adventures.


Adults are encouraged to accompany their child throughout each lesson to support their learning and have fun together.


The program will be guided by an Accredited Leader to ensure that the equipment set-ups are safe, stimulating and provide endless movement opportunities for each child to play and learn.


Kinder Gym will assist your child in development and co-ordination, confidence and self-esteem. Educational research tells us that children learn best through exploring and discovering their abilities through physical activity.


Our Kinder Gym program ensures young children can experience a wide range of movement activities and be encouraged to think, create, construct and solve problems with their own bodies. 


"M i n i   M o v e r ’ s"  this group is for our 4 turning 5 year olds that are ready to take on some independence in class.


Whilst you are still able to view the lesson, you are not directly involved in the group. Pour yourself a coffee, sit back and enjoy observing your child’s confidence move in leaps and bounds as they are challenged in a fun and safe environment.


This is a great class for those starting school the following year!


S i b l i n g s ?

Although we know many of you need to juggle more than one child, please understand your Kindergym participant requires your full attention throughout the class.  There is also an insurance side of things to consider, so there are strictly no children of ‘mobile age’ to be unsupervised throughout class.

If you do have a sibling moving around circuits but not yet old enough, they will be required to have insurance/registration fee paid to ensure they are covered.  We do also have a viewing area if you are able to bring someone along who is happy to supervise any siblings. 

Any children who are not yet ‘mobile’ are welcome to sit in a designated area throughout class/in a pram/high chair/on your hip (!), please understand however that if you need to tend to a sibling, you will need to stop the current activity with your Junior gym participant. Our coaching staff are very helpful and more than happy to watch a child if you need to tend to a sibling (:



© 2016 Andrei's Gynmastics.  

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